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The Madonna of the Meadow (1505) Raphael

Raphael was mainly known for his paintings of the “Madonna”. The Madonna is another name for the Virgin Mary. He created his painting “The Madonna of the Meadow” in 1505 while he was in Florence, Italy. Raphael got many of his skills from his father and his apprentice, Perugino. His main patrons were Pope Julius II and Pope Leo. He created many paintings for the church. Many historians believe that is why most of his art is very religious and have to deal with the Virgin Mary.

This is a painting of Virgin Mary. The two children in the photo are Jesus and John the Baptist. The significance of this picture is that it shows that the main patrons for artist’s were the church. The main symbolism in this picture is that they are out in a bright landscape. This is symbolic of the Renaissance. This shows the rebirth of art and literature. Another form of symbolism is the cross that baby Jesus is holding. This symbolizes the beginning of Christianity. A technique used in this painting is shadowing. This helps make the characters faces in the picture look more realistic. This picture is fantastic. It shows the love that Mary had for Jesus. The painting also shows the love a mother has for her child.

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